
Your bridge deserves your attention

July 02, 2019

Should we adopt GraphQL?

This is a question the engineering team at Q confronted in earnest a few months ago. What follows is the sort of analysis I would’ve wanted to read then, written for anyone in the business of building software.

tl;dr: Yes, Q should (and did) adopt GraphQL, and it’s worth considering whether you should too. While GraphQL seems trendy, we found it solved a concrete set of problems and, in the process, afforded our team a faster, more reliable way to operate.


For 5 years, we’ve grappled with problems for a specific set of customers. As is common for an early-product org, we’ve tried to deepen our understanding of their problems and, through iteration, discover what exactly would make their work-lives better. This process brought with it a common subset of change—changes to featureset, domain modeling, and in our case business model, too.

As anyone who’s written software for a living knows, part of what defines good design is whether your software can adapt to change over time and, for the most part, our architecture has flexed well. Roughly:

We have 3 active web clients: 1 for customers, 1 for partners, and 1 for internal teams. Each speaks to a constellation of data services through corresponding orchestration apps—applications that orchestrate requests across that constellation by way of fairly standard REST endpoints. Many, ourselves included, call this the BFF pattern.

BFF visualization

Thanks Phil for the vis not to mention pattern.

But after 5 years of discovery, we’ve landed on a set of features our customers use and we’re experiencing a different kind of change: from expanding our featureset to extending its reach. One in particular stands out: our customers want a mobile app—they want the features they already have, but on the computer they carry with them. And while this may not seem meaningful architecturally (it’s just more software), I’ve learned it is. Mobile isn’t just more software, it represents a brand new set of constraints to build against.


  1. We serve customers at their desks, over their wifi.
  2. We release changes over the internet, 20+ times per day.
  3. We have 3 sets of users, so 3 corresponding clients.


  1. We serve customers everywhere, over unreliable networks.
  2. We release changes at the mercy of Apple, once per week.
  3. We have 3 sets of users, so possibly (3 * num platforms) clients.

Latent problems

  1. We network suboptimally
  2. We maintain fragile contracts
  3. We write redundant orchestration logic

We network suboptimally

Specifically, our orchestration pattern permits too many requests for too much data.

For example, instead of writing custom endpoints within our clients, we sometimes reuse ones that already exist, even if it means multiple roundtrip requests to our orchestration apps to render a single page. Likewise, we almost always bluntly pass data from our orchestration apps to their client, without whitelisting down to the fields we actually need.

We arrived here because it was faster to deliver features this way and customers didn’t seem to mind—with wifi and a glut of RAM, their devices themselves made up for any deficiencies in speed and space.

But things are changing. We’ll soon serve customers everywhere—at times on the subway—on tiny, data-and-networking-constrained devices. Soon, suboptimal networking will matter.

We maintain fragile contracts

As a developer requesting data today, I look at implementations upstream to grok a given payload. Likewise, as a developer exposing data, I look downstream to see which clients sit dependent. Said another way, there exist contracts between our data services and dependent clients—contracts implied by implementations on either side.

Contracts of this type are common, and we’ve developed systems to monitor them, and processes (albeit manual) to dissuade people from accidentally breaking them. But accidents happen.

This isn’t a big deal right now—we can ship a fix to a broken client contract within minutes on the web. But things, again, are different. We’ll soon be at the mercy of Apple to ship a fix, which could make fixing something a multi-day process.

We write redundant orchestration logic

Today, all of Q’s clients contain a list of orders, which means our orchestration apps all include logic to fetch a list of orders. We don’t mind the redundancy. We’ve decided repeating ourselves outweighs risking the wrong abstraction. After all, having only been committed to the web, we’ve capped redundancies to 3 to match our audiences (customers, partners, and internal teams).

Mobile represents at least one additional client and plausibly more, as we’re not just adding an audience (e.g. partners), we’re adding at least one platform for our audiences (e.g. iOS). To keep pace on new feature development, it’s time to reconsider these redundancies.

A better bridge

The architecture in question is a specific slice: it’s neither within our data services nor within our clients—it’s the layer that bridges our data services to our clients. Let’s run with this bridge analogy a second.

Let’s say each orchestration app and corresponding endpoints represents a bridge. As we’ve seen, the prospect of a mobile client exposes our bridges: with suboptimal networking, fragile contracts, and redundant orchestration, it’s rendered each bridge inefficient, precariously opaque, and single purpose, built for just one audience.

To continue delivering high-quality software with pace, we have to reconsider our set of bridges in light of these problems. Unsurprisingly, we aren’t the only team to confront them and, after speaking with friends throughout the industry, one solution stood out: GraphQL.

GraphQL was designed in response to the same set of problems confronted on the move from web to mobile. You can think of it and its surrounding ecosystem as a single, uniform bridge between your constellation of data services and the clients your customers rely on. As advertised:

  1. Instead of suboptimal networking, we make one request and get back only the data we ask for. Our bridge can now accommodate full payloads of interrelated data with no extra cost, and will only deliver what you asked for.
  2. Instead of fragile contracts, we maintain one typed schema with an accompanying query language. Our bridge is now explicit and visible. It tells us what it expects, what we should expect in response, and stop us if we use it the wrong way.
  3. Instead of redundant logic, we write (reusable) relationships between our data types. We no longer need to build a bunch of one-lane bridges ad hoc, we instead focus on one bridge with a few on ramps, that’s accommodating to audiences payloads we couldn’t predict.

With these in mind, we structured a project to prove or disprove the hypothesis that GraphQL has a long-term place within our stack. In doing so, we learned that while GraphQL the spec and its intended benefits are great and all, what’s more striking is this smattering of other benefits we’re still uncovering. Adopting GraphQL has:

We learned that while GraphQL probably did create a better bridge, its more impressive achievement is the attention it afforded this layer of our stack. GraphQL has not just introduced a spec, it’s inspired a new ecosystem of bridge builders—us now included.

That being said

It hasn’t been all sunshine. GraphQL’s ecosystem is still nascent, which means we’ve confronted problems with no right answer, and found ourselves surprised by things we only thought we fully understood. Here are some examples:

Most notably, GraphQL is just different. It’s a new paradigm and requires not just that you, adopting GraphQL, learn the associated mental models, but that your team does, too. And your team definitely has other shit going on. This cultural challenge has been called out by many as GraphQL’s biggest—overcoming it requires compromise, tolerance of mistakes that come with change, and deliberate steps. We’re still not all the way there.

In a follow up essay, I’ll describe our implementation of GraphQL in more technical terms including how we addressed many of the problems outlined above. Stay tuned by signing up below.

Thanks to Matt Briançon, Phil Sarin, Jeffrey Silver, Greg Leppert, and Eric for reading drafts of this post.

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work in progress.